
Team Motivation — Singing Events

You are loo­king per­haps for a dif­fe­rent Team Event idea? Sin­ging with others rai­ses enthu­si­asm and can achie­ve a much more pro­duc­ti­ve com­pa­ny spi­rit and team moti­va­ti­on. You want to thank your team while simul­ta­neous­ly moti­vat­ing them to new heights in a most unfor­ge­ta­ble way? You are loo­king for accom­pany­ing mea­su­res to chan­ge and new struc­tu­ral ori­en­ta­ti­on? This event is an expe­ri­ence never to for­get and an added value for your com­pa­ny.

The ener­gy that one recei­ves from sin­ging with others builds a posi­ti­ve and con­cen­tra­ted mood of well­be­ing and and men­tal vigour. This is becau­se not only the head, but also the heart and body are acti­va­ted.

An infec­tious atmo­sphe­re of calm­ness and sere­ni­ty is gene­ra­ted, which posi­tiv­ly effects the con­cen­tra­ti­on and lear­ning abili­ties of the team, as well as streng­thening per­so­nal pre­sence. Soli­da­ri­ty, team­spi­rit and self­con­fi­dence is streng­the­ned and new skills are cal­led forth.

I work with small, easi­ly under­stan­da­ble Modu­les that can be used wit­hout any musi­cal expe­ri­ence or know­ledge. In the atmo­sphe­re that I crea­te, the sen­tence „I can’t sing“, does­n’t mean a thing.

Awa­ken your Poten­ti­al – Book your time here
