Vocal Training for Companies

Vocal Training for Companies

The voice is your visi­ting card, whe­ther on the tele­pho­ne or in per­son. The voice is much too com­plex, to just use for spea­king. The real piz­zazz hap­pens when you sing. This is real­ly how the voice can be trai­ned. Ide­al­ly, the voice trai­ning would be a weekly hour inte­gra­ted during ope­ning hours. I do howe­ver, offer this trai­ning regu­lar­ly, as an event or workshop.

Team Events

Promoting Health


Team Moti­va­ti­on
You are loo­king per­haps for a dif­fe­rent Team Event idea? You want to thank your team while simul­ta­neous­ly moti­vat­ing them to new heights in a most unfor­ge­ta­ble way? Read more…


Sin­ging in the Com­pa­ny Choi­re
Collegues and workers meet once week to sing tog­e­ther. It is not a choir in the nor­mal sen­se, with con­certs and sopra­no, alto, tenor and bass sec­tions, but rather a cele­bra­ti­on of the moment of sin­ging tog­e­ther. Read more…


